Monthly Featured Calendar Sponsor
November Sponsor is in Memory of Kyra Adams.
November 2023

Kyra’s owner submitted this tribute:
In the summer of 2005 a very bouncy 6 month old Jack Russell came to live with her new owners, the Adams’. True to her breed she was very active and wanted to explore everything. She liked running, chasing anything that moved. She was not much for sitting still and would go and go until she wore herself totally out. She was also not much for being a lap dog she would rather play catch/fetch with one of her tennis balls or practice her favorite tricks like playing dead or rolling over (of course becauseshe would get a treat).
Kyra also loved to go on walks however her idea of a walk was to let her lead, certainly not to follow where you wanted to go. If a squirrel or cat crossed her path she would strain on her lead to try and chase, barking very excitedly. She loved to be let off of her lead so that she could run her fastest, her feet barely touching. Oblivious of things in her way, she would frequently injure herself by running into immovable objects in her way.
She was very dedicated to her people, just like a true Jack and even in the coldest part of winter she would don her winter jacket and rain coat and go outside to “help” shovel snow. Even though she was not much of a lap dog when her Mom was recovering from a surgery, sensing something was wrong, she would lay very still at her side.
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